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bio: a bit of a biography. i have practiced yoga and meditation at different points of my life. my most recent practice has been pretty consistent since 1999. i practice iyengar yoga. i certainly do not consider myself an expert, though it is a topic i take very seriously and have studied. i am not a yoga teacher, although, i have filled in for my teacher on a few occassions. i am keeping this yoga blog for a number or reasons. first of all, to experiment with a different style of blogging, next, in a hope it will enrich my practice - by focusing my reading and by keeping my focus on my daily practice - on and off the mat, and lastly, in an attempt to provide a resource for new and experienced yoga practitioners - a resource that will contain links to what i find interesting, informative, etc., about yoga admittedly, filtered through my own biases. i keep another weblog _monk in case you are interested in the more mundane events of my life, or a potpourri of random thoughts.
Friday, February 20, 2004
8:09 AM
iyengar yoga, bikram yoga, now bush yoga?

thanks to jen

Tuesday, February 17, 2004
10:01 PM Yoga class offered to dogs

my comment is that i have no comment. perhaps you do.

9:59 PM
A yoga primer of terms, styles, distinguishing features

nice, albeit very short list of yoga terms
